In the past Anthem Individual Plans have been very successful in Nevada, but lately, Anthems products have been falling behind…..
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This year Anthem has been extremely active in Nevada with their Anthem Individual Plans. They were the only insurance company to participate in both the individual and group subsidized insurance market (also known as Nevada Health Link). For individuals, Anthem has been by far the lowest cost option due in large part to their new Pathway network list. According to information provided from Anthem, the Pathway network list is anywhere between 38% to 52% the size of the regular PPO list, not to mention it only exists in Nevada. This doctors list is one of the most restrictive in Northern Nevada, however, for new applicants who are looking for the best price, the size of a doctors list is negligible.
Anthem continues to offer great Medicare Supplement plans in Nevada
Anthem is proud to claim they had the highest percentage of sales in their Bronze category plans. Anthem Individual Plans offered the lowest cost / lowest benefit of any plans. On bronze plans, members pay roughly 40% of the cost of covered medical expenses. Anthem is also a large market leader for offering Catastrophic coverage. Catastrophic plans offer bare-bones coverage for individuals under 30 years old. Or for members who qualified during the “if you like your plan, you can keep it” exception for 2014.
Click here to find an Anthem Individual Plans.
Next “Open Enrollment” begins November 15, 2014, and ends February 15th, 2015. Anthem will offer the lowest costing plans next year. This applies to both on and off of Nevada Health Link. This can be a huge relief to younger and healthier individuals. Additionally, individuals looking to simply avoid the fine or buy bear-bones coverage will benefit.