Switch to Renown Medicare

Switch to Renown Medicare


Renown is offering new Medicare Advantage plans this year that’s unlike anything we’ve seen in the past. To switch to Renown Medicare it’s now easier than ever. 

Original Medicare

In order to enroll in this type of plan, you have to first enroll in Original Medicare. This is part A and B. Part A is the hospital coverage and part B covers many doctor’s office expenses, in general. Parts A and B come from the federal government. They’re also known as original medicare. Most people pay a monthly premium to the federal government for part B. These payments need to continue in order to be eligible for any other type of coverage. 


If you’re also enrolled in a Medicare Supplement plan or another Medicare Advantage plan, that’s not a problem. You will need to decide to give up your current additional coverage in order to switch to Medicare with Hometown Health. You can make this switch to Renown Medicare between October 15th and December 7th of each year. This is the Annual Enrollment Period. 

Enroll in the Renown Medicare plan by clicking on that link!

If you miss the annual enrollment period you have one more shot. Individuals who enroll on a Medicare Advantage plan have a one-time opportunity to switch plans during the first quarter of the year. 

Medicare Supplement to Renown Medicare

Switching from a Medicare Supplement plan is slightly more complex. When you switch to the Renown Medicare Advantage Plan it does not automatically un-enroll you from a Medicare Supplement plan. You can’t have two-part D plans running concurrently. Since Renown Medicare includes part D (MAPD), it will end your stand-alone part D plan. Even though the removal should be automatic, it’s good to double-check. It’s also wise to let your Medicare Supplement plan know that you’re no longer eligible. You cannot enroll in both a Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plan.

Contact Us!

If you’re thinking about making the switch to the Renown Preferred Plan, contact us. We want to make sure your doctors and prescriptions are covered. Each situation is different and we can walk you through the process. There is no additional cost for our services.