In order to obtain a subsidy through Nevada Health Link, they are asking for Required Citizenship Info. This does not mean you need to be a US Citizen. Many green card holders, temporary students and other legal residents receive subsidies through Nevada Health Link.
Private insurance does not have this requirement. The main reason Nevada Health Link is asking for Required Citizenship Info is because of the subsidy. To be eligible for the subsidy you need to have an income and file taxes. The government needs to be able to track your income for this year to see if, at the end of the year, you were eligible for a subsidy.
When you complete your application online, there will be specific questions regarding your citizenship that you need to answer. Answering these incorrectly or incompletely could delay or even stop the process altogether.
You do NOT need to be a US Citizen to sign up for health insurance and receive a subsidy through Nevada Health Link. Although as part of the requirements of the affordable care act, you do need to prove Required Citizenship Info.
Nevada Health Link Citizenship Questions
- Are you a US Citizen or US National? Yes/No
- Do you have eligible immigration status? Yes/No
- Document Type: (Permanent Resident Card, etc)
- Alien Number: (9 numbers)
- Card Number: (3 letters + 10 Numbers)
- Expiration Date: (optional)
- Is ____________ the same name that appears on your document?
- Have you lived in the US since 1996?
After these questions are answered Nevada Health Link usually requests a faxed or uploaded image of your card. They may have additional questions so please keep an eye out with your mail. There forms usually have the CMS logo and they’re multiple pages. It’s important that you read them and understand them.