Open Enrollment comes once a year, and it is your chance to make changes to your current health insurance policy or enroll in new coverage. Individuals and families have the option of electing a licensed broker to assist them with complex process of health insurance. Health Benefits Associates is a completely free service for insured members. We will help you during the Open Enrollment process as well as throughout the plan year. Understanding your options and deadlines during Open Enrollment can be cumbersome, so leave it to the professionals to assist you!
Open Enrollment Deadlines
For the upcoming 2017 plan year, Open Enrollment starts on November 1st, 2016. Unlike upcoming years, the annual enrollment period will end on January 31st, 2017. If you want coverage starting January 1st 2017, you are required to submit your enrollment paperwork by December 15th, 2016. With a small window of opportunity to enroll, it is crucial to assess your needs with a broker. The plan you choose during Open Enrollment will cover you and your family throughout the entire 2017 calendar year.
With changes to enrollment rules, it is difficult to switch or modify coverages mid-year after Open Enrollment ends. With a little foresight, applicants should evaluate what the 2017 calendar year will bring so their plan decision satisfies their needs. None of us can look into a crystal ball and predict the future, so understanding the benefits of your health insurance plan can save you thousands of dollars each year. If you are an individual looking to renew your health insurance plan or find a new plan all together, please give us a call today. We will sit down with you and assess your options free of charge. Our licensed brokers will review your preferred doctors and find a plan for the lowest price. For a free consultation, please give us a call at (775) 828-1216.
Matt Law