How to Find a Prominence Health Plan Doctor

Depending on which Prominence plan that you have selected, you may have trouble finding a Prominence health plan doctor.

The current list of contracted doctors and facilities for your plan are very important. You will need to check this list before you make any kind of medical appointment. By using a Prominence health plan doctor, you can be sure you’re receiving the best coverage at the lowest price.

Using the “Doctor” link at the top of our home page, you will find access to all of the Prominence Health Plan Provider lists in Nevada. These lists have two main categories. The first category shows the Networks for individual and family plans. The second category of Networks is for owners and employees of small business health insurance plans.

If you have selected an individual or family plan through the Health Insurance Exchange here in Northern Nevada, you will be using one of two Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) lists. If you live in Southern Nevada, they offer two completely different HMO Networks to choose a Prominence health plan doctor from. Prominence does not offer a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan anywhere in Nevada for individual or family plans.

The Exchange Premier HMO Network list in Northern Nevada has the lowest-priced plans offered by Prominence Health Plan.

This Network does not include as many doctors as the larger Exchange ChoicePlus Network list. Although, it does include many of the same physicians and facilities listed in the Northern Nevada ChoicePlus Network.

The Prominence HealthCare Partners HMO Network in Southern Nevada is also the list that is included. This has some of the most competitively priced plans in Las Vegas. The larger Prominence/WellHealth HMO Network is also available in Southern Nevada. This is for those looking for more or different physicians.

All of the plans offered through the Exchange are HMO plans. It is important to use only the listed physicians and facilities listed. Unless you are out of the state, and you have an Emergency, the HMO plans for individuals and families will not help with the medical expenses.

If you are using a small business (2 to 50 employee) health insurance plan, you have your choice of three Prominence Networks. The HMO/Point of Service Network, the Prominence Preferred Health Care PPO Network and the Premier HMO North Network. This is the same HMO list used for the Individual and Family Exchange plans.

If you are on a small business health insurance plan in Southern Nevada you have two options. You can use either the Southern Nevada Prominence HMO Network, or the Universal Health Network PPO Network.

In Northern Nevada, if you are using a Prominence Freedom Beyond HMO plan, you will also be able to use the First Health National PPO Network. This is true if you are outside Nevada HMO service area, and no HMO style referrals are required.

Don’t hesitate to call us at 775-828-1216, if you have questions.  We would like to help.