2015 Transition to the Nevada Federal Marketplace

For 75-80% of Nevadans who qualify for subsidies and enrolled for Qualified Health Plans with the Nevada Health Link in 2014, the good news for the 2015 transition is that the enrollments are now done through the Nevada Federal Marketplace. They will no longer be done through the Nevada Health Link.

Since I began enrolling my clients with Nevada Health Link in the fall of 2013, it was plagued with problems.

There were countless programming errors or as they called them, ‘glitches’. Initially, they caused the program not to work at all. This would result in taking four or five hours to complete a simple enrollment. Then the problems started to appear. Locked up enrollments, having to start over as many as eight times, and incorrect information appearing out of nowhere. In addition, premium tax credits were not being properly applied and cost-sharing reductions being completely missed.

Fortunately, the Nevada powers that be realized that the system was so infested with errors. They decided it could not continue and they ended it. 2015 ushered in a new way of enrolling, through the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (the Nevada Federal Marketplace).

Since 11/15/14, the day the switch was thrown to turn on the new Nevada Federal Marketplace, enrolling my clients has become a joy, by comparison. It works like it should, seamlessly and without flaws. Even on the busiest day of their year, 12/15/14, it was smooth and had no delays.

I’ve completed or assisted clients, with well over 100 enrollments so far for the 2015 transition. So far, I am impressed by the quality of the Federal Exchange. Not only does the program work well, but when you call to speak to a representative, they are courteous and knowledgeable, being able to explain the answer to why I called.

So why use a health insurance broker?  We know how the plans work, which insurance companies perform to our client’s needs and best of all, we cost nothing for our clients to use.