Medicare Help in Nevada
There is Medicare Help in Nevada for you if you are confused about your options. Medicare can be a complicated topic. It is important to talk to a licensed Medicare Advisor here in Northern Nevada. In this article, I will discuss the process for enrolling in Original Medicare and either a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medicare Supplement plan.
Original Medicare
Original Medicare consists of two parts, Part A and Part B. You will automatically be signed up for Part A if you have 40 quarters of employment here in the U.S. Part A covers roughly 80% of your hospital stays. Part B on the other hand will require you to sign yourself up. There is a seven-month window to do so. Three months before your 65th birthday, the month of, and three months after. However, if you are still insured either through an employer plan or an induvial plan then you have 60 days after coming off either of those. Part B covers roughly 80% of your doctor’s visits. You might be asking, what about the remaining 20%? This is where signing up for a Medicare Advantage Part D plan, or a Medicare Supplement plan with a Part D drug plan comes into the picture.
Medicare Advantage Part D (MAPD)
Medicare Advantage plans cover the remaining 20% that Original Medicare does not cover. Many of these plans come with a $0 premium as well as additional benefits such as Dental, Vision, Hearing Aids, Gym membership, and an over the counter stipend. These plans, however, have a limited doctor list and work with those doctors that are contracted in the network. In saying that, if you are traveling and have an emergency most MAPD plans will cover that.
Medicare Supplement Plans and Part D
Medicare Supplement plans also cover the remaining 20% leftover from Original Medicare, however, they work in a different way than MAPD plans. Med Sup plans have a nationwide doctor list. That means any doctor in the U.S. that covers Medicare will accept a Med Sup plan. These are great options if you plan on traveling extensively or spending the majority of your time in a different state. These plans however do come with a monthly premium and have a shorter guaranteed issue window. You have that guaranteed issue window up to six months after you turn 65. Beware, after that, if you decide to sign up for a Medicare Supplement plan, the insurance carrier will ask you health questions and can opt to decline your request for enrollment. So any preexisting health conditions you may have could deny you.
Medicare Help in Nevada is available to you by talking to a Medicare advisor here in Reno. I, as a licensed Medicare broker, can explain the differences in more detail. Most importantly talk to someone before making your decision. It could end up saving time and money in the future.