
Telemedicine: Clinical Health Care Around the Globe

In recent years, the Reno health insurance market has seen a reduction in available insurance companies for individuals and families. Effective January 1, 2017 every health insurance company in Nevada’s individual and family market removed their nationwide network for routine medical care. For consumers who regularly travel outside of Nevada and need providers in other states, this reduction in coverage has become a major issue. Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, Telemedicine coverage has become more efficient and effective than ever.

Most insurance companies automatically offer telemedicine benefits within their health insurance plans. These telemedicine benefits allow consumers to connect with medical professionals with a phone call or video conferencing application on a phone or laptop. With the latest smartphones, consumers have access to doctors while traveling anywhere in the world.

Consumers who do not travel outside of health insurance Nevada limits can still use these benefits while at home. Most physician offices close on weekends or have long wait times. Accessing your telemedicine benefits from the comfort of your own home can save you time and money.

Telemedicine Limitations

Having the capability of contacting a medical professional from your phone is convenient, but certain state and federal regulations limit certain medical treatments. Patients with a common cold or illness qualify for basic prescriptions as approved by state and federal law. These prescriptions are conveniently sent to the nearest contracted pharmacy. Depending on the classification of prescriptions, some regulations may require a face to face appointment in a physician’s office before the medication can be approved and ordered.

Telemedicine Coverage

Insurance companies usually establish their telemedicine contracts with outside vendors. Each vendor has a different process for initiating a call or video conference appointment with a physician. Because of this, the cost for these services varies from policy to policy. To determine copay costs or the process of connecting with a physician, members should contact their insurer’s customer service department.