Annual Medicare Check-Up

Did you know that you are able to get quality Annual Medicare Check-Up at no cost to you?  Well, you can!

Once you enroll in Part B of Medicare, you have twelve months during which you are entitled to an Annual Medicare Check-Up preventive visit (also call Initial Preventive Physical Exam or IPPE).

The purpose of an annual Medicare check-up is to develop a personal plan for you to keep you healthy. Your doctor will talk to you about your current health status. They will also ask about medical history, family history, what medical conditions you have, what prescriptions you are taking and more. It will be a thorough look at you. All of this is designed to get you well if you are not. It is also to keep you healthy and to help you improve.

Your visit will include the standard height, weight and blood pressure measurements. You’ll also be asked if you are up to date on your shots and preventive screenings. Other non-invasion evaluations will be made.

A personalized game plan will be made for you in writing to reach your optimum health.

So long as you use a doctor who accepts Medicare Nevada, this visit and the Medicare-approved doctor recommended preventive services after the visit will come at no cost to you.  However, the initial Welcome to Medicare visit is only available one time. This is during the first 12 months after you’ve enrolled in Part B. So if you are still in the first 12 months of your Medicare Part B coverage, look into this.

After the first 12 months of being on Part B, you are entitled to annual “Wellness” visits (AWV) when you can update your personalized plan.

However, you do not have to have had the ‘Welcome to Medicare’ visit in order to get your Annual Medicare Check-Ups and develop a personalized game plan.  Everyone with Part B coverage can have this.

During the Wellness visit, you will be asked to fill out a Health Risk Assessment questionnaire. This is designed to take no longer than twenty minutes to fill out. In addition, it will be used for your personalized plan to keep you healthy.

The actual procedures your doctor will use during the Welcome to Medicare or Annual Wellness Visits will be a bit more involved, but the whole idea is to get you in good shape and to keep sicknesses and illnesses away.

Using these programs and following your doctor’s recommendations is a good way to stay healthy.  We have also found that Medicare Nevada recipients who have a good supplemental plan use their plans more. They also see their doctors regularly, take care of themselves better and stay healthier than those who don’t. Be it a Medicare Supplement Reno Plan or a Medicare Advantage Reno Plan with Prescription Drug coverage, I have several good plans that will provide you with quality coverage at a great price.

Give me a call. As a health insurance broker, we can chat about how this can benefit you.