Reno Medicare Advantage Plans
Here in Reno, there are several Medicare Advantage plans to choose from. This can be daunting and confusing. Especially with all of the materials being sent out when you are close to a 65th birthday. It is important to work closely with a professional and licensed health insurance broker to help translate all the information.
Steps to Enroll
The steps to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan require you to be enrolled in Original Medicare, Parts A, and B. Once enrolled you can sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan. Please see the Medicare.Gov website to learn more about Parts A and B. The steps to sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan include specific dates. There is a seven-month window in which you can enroll. You can enroll in an advantage plan three months prior to your 65th birthday, the month of your birthday, and 3 months after enrolling in Part B. If you do not sign up within that time frame you are required to wait until the Annual Enrollment Period which runs from October 15th through December 7th. Delaying Part B also comes with a lifetime penalty.
Medicare Advantage Benefits
Many of the Medicare Advantage plans these days come with little to no monthly premium. Many also have ancillary benefits such as prescription, vision, dental, hearing aid, and gym membership. These plans, however, are usually based on the insurance company’s doctor network. These networks can be limiting. Especially for those who like to travel. Additionally, for people that have residences in different states, this may be limiting. In saying that, many Medicare Advantage plans do cover emergencies worldwide. There is peace of mind knowing that.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, there are specific steps that must be taken. These steps will ensure that you have the best medical coverage possible when you retire. It is important to know all your options. The marketing materials are overwhelming. That is why it is crucial to talk to a licensed professional that has your best interest at heart.